• Seesé.Ilumina is a Colombian lighting brand that creates, designs, and crafts handmade lamps using locally sourced materials and custom designs, in collaboration with skilled Colombian artisans. The word "illuminate," derived from the Latin illuminare, means to bathe something in light, to project light onto something, and to create light that dispels darkness.

  • Seesé.Ilumina embodies the pursuit of harmony and art in lighting; we design our lamps with meticulous attention to every detail. We view light as a tool that evokes, nurtures, and inspires. Our goal is for each piece to reflect the careful craftsmanship of our artisans, who hand-weave durable creations that transform spaces into environments of well-being and comfort.

The Seesé Team

Creating an artisanal and artistic product is a great challenge. Every day, we work together to craft the beautiful luminaires of Seesé. This is all made possible by the people who pour their heart and hands into the creation of our woven pieces, made with Colombian threads and warm light. A heartfelt thank you to the Seesé.Ilumina team!

  • Seesé.Ilumina was founded in 2017 out of a passion for warm light and its benefits, as well as a curiosity about art and the possibilities arising from this creative process. The journey of Seesé has been an exploration with Colombian fibers: fique, a natural fiber cultivated by a cooperative of fique growers in Curití; terlenka, a synthetic thread produced in Bucaramanga; and natural cotton from the Colombian coast.

  • At Seesé.Ilumina, we are a brand with a keen sensitivity, dedicated to creating environments that invite people to dwell and experience comfort through the illumination of a space, an artwork, or a home. Poul Henningsen defined this as "function, comfort, and ambiance" when designing his pieces. Light is a language that tells stories, and we are passionate about being part of those narratives by blending craftsmanship with design.

  • Our first collection, “Tejidos de Luz,” inspired by vintage lamp designs, reflects the creativity inherent in an artisanal product that illuminates spaces with a touch of warmth and design. Our artisans bring our ideas to life, which motivates us to operate under a fair trade policy with artisans from various regions of Colombia. Social sustainability is key for us, which is why we aim to highlight the value of craftsmanship in our products and the work of talented individuals, predominantly women.

  • At Seesé.Ilumina, we maintain a low environmental impact by sourcing most of our materials and labor locally. Our luminaires are packaged in cardboard, wood, and paper. The structures of our luminaires are made from recyclable steel, and we design them to use the minimal amount of metal necessary. Our design and manufacturing process takes place in Colombia, encompassing everything from raw material procurement to maintenance and shipping of the final product.

The Designer

"Design is my passion. As an architect and urban planner by profession, I wanted to channel my energy into creating artistic lighting products that evoke a sense of visual and mental well-being. In a world as technological as ours, where screens are constantly in front of our eyes, we offer moments of respite with Seesé’s luminaires, allowing us to enjoy welcoming light through innovative design objects." — Irene Arango

  • The manufacturing process of a luminaire begins with an idea. First, we sketch by hand, which then evolves into detailed plans. These plans are sent to ornamentation and woodworking workshops for the production of the structures, the framework of our pieces. After painting, our artisans create the woven elements that envelop the light. Once the luminaires are woven, our electrical experts complete the process, ensuring that each lamp is ready to transform spaces with its warmth.

  • The process of inspiration, design, and creation is, at its core, also an artisanal endeavor. The designer's hands create sketches, shapes, and patterns that materialize in a unique and artistic way, aiming to represent a specific theme that each brand wants to convey. Through our creative process, we have found a way to honor artisanal practices, showcasing the work of skilled hands and achieving high quality in the final result, along with its aesthetic value.

  • Seesé.Ilumina embodies the pursuit of harmony in lighting and art. That's why we design and produce each lamp with meticulous care, paying attention to every detail. We want you to be certain that owning one of our luminaires means we have dedicated ourselves to crafting it to illuminate your most cherished moments. Our artisans have created a high-quality, beautiful, and durable piece, intended to transform your spaces into environments conducive to well-being.

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